The Lean Deal German


The LEAN Deal – was ist „DRIN“ für Dich?

Wie und warum die LEAN-Kultur Dein ganzes (Arbeits-)Leben verändern kann und wird!

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what's "IN" for me?

The world certainly doesn't need yet another "LEAN explanation book" with cumbersome terms, dry-as-dust theory and crude recipes for success.

Most books on the subject are purely about optimizing profits, increasing efficiency and the assertion of companies in the relevant markets. But my motivation for this book is rather what is NOT addressed in these clever works ... namely the HUMAN BEHIND or BEFORE these formulas, graphics and clever process insights.
What does LEAN do to us, how do we benefit as individuals, why should we change anything at all, and how much energy do we need to devote to it?

The motivation: I would like to "pick you ALL up" with my book and show you the absolutely ingenious effect and simplicity of the LEAN principles on the basis of my modest and very easy to follow career.

Mein Ziel ist es, dass ihr nach dem Lesen der Seiten das Buch lächelnd beiseite legt und denkt: „Echt jetzt? Ist das wirklich SO leicht? Ok, DAS kann ich auch.“
Und was ich mir wirklich wünsche ist, dass Euch meine Worte so wichtig erscheinen, dass ihr Euch das Buch untereinander in die Hände gebt. Von der Chefetage in die Produktion und UMGEKEHRT, von Freund zu Freund, innerhalb der Familie, von Kollege zu Kollege und von Geschäftspartner zu Geschäftspartner. Ich bin zu 100 % davon überzeugt, dass die Erkenntnisse des LEAN–Lifestyles barriereübergreifend, länderübergreifend, überparteilich und vollkommen animositätenfrei nicht nur das Leben eines jeden Einzelnen verbessern können, sondern dass LEAN DIE kleine Revolution ist, die wir Menschen in diesen bizarren Zeiten so dringend brauchen, um uns wieder auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren zu können.

Who is the book for? This book is for you, you hard workers, busy managers, frustrated executives, disappointed warehouse workers, skilled workers, foremen, forklift drivers, engineers, enervated job seekers, large corporations with 100. 000 employees or "one-man/woman show", you single mothers or fathers and financially exhausted lone fighters, young job seekers or start-ups - in short: for EVERY one of you "seekers" 🙂 You work in a company that you think could use change or you run a company that is not running as it could? This book is for you!

How do I break the ice, what are the first steps, and how do I get either "those up there" to rethink or my team on board? - That will be my topic in this small work.


Author: Michael Althoff
Publisher: Yellotools GmbH, Wilberhofener Straße 1-3. 51570 Windeck, Germany, Phone +49 2292 397 400
Editors: Sina Becker, Michael Althoff
Typesetting & Layout: Olga Blank, Gregor Deisen
Umschlag: Gregor Deisen
Photography: Michael Roth
Grafiken / Illustrationen: Alexx Marrone
Printed by: WIRmachen DRUCK GmbH, Mühlbachstraße 7, 71522 Backnang, Germany

Additional information

Weight 0,700 kg